Thursday, March 19, 2009

March: the good, the bad, and the snow

This is from one 24hr storm!

March Came in like a lion. We had no snow one day and than two feet the next. Earl was bummed because he had already winterized the snow blower. I think he meant summerized?

The kids burrowed through the two feet like rats making tunnels. Abbey was really upset that morning. She had come downstairs dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. I told her she couldn't wear that and she said "why not" I pointed outside and said because of the snow. She started crying and said "winter is taking forever!" We feel her pain!
But within a couple of days there is no sign of snow and nothing but sunshine and bikes! The most exciting thing happened; Zack learned to ride his bike without any training wheels!!

He was really nervous at first and wouldn't even ride on the grass until I put every knee, elbow and head pad in place. He caught on really fast and soon I found these on the grass.

He is feeling so confidant on his bike and is excited to ride to school.
We now have snow again so we'll have to wait for the "real spring."
Help Mom! No I have to take a picture first.
Brandon and Abbey were so proud of their brother they told every person who walked by that Zack could now ride. Many didn't know who Zack was, but still said congratulations.
Porter loved the walks and fresh air, but at 10 months he was still easier inside. He did not like the feel of grass. He would not leave his blanket, which you'd think would make him easy, but he did whine and cry to be held.
Zack loves to read and Abbey loves to be read to.
Brandon is crying because Abbey won't let him work. How rude!
We had SO SO much fun for about three days. We took tons of walks, played at parks, ate Popsicles and got sun burned. It has snowed for the last three days. Abbey suggested that we pick up all the snow and put it in garbage bags. We are now craving spring!


Mark J. Stoddard said...

Delightful, but, where's the dog??

Abbey is a quote a minute. Brandon is a work fanatic. Loved all the pictures and reports. We're in Akumal and it is 80 with blue skies. Loving it. Wish you were all here with us.

Betsy Lee said...

Congratulations, Zack!!!! That's awesome! Isn't his school to far away to ride to, though? I feel your pain. I'm so mad at the snow right now! Spring just needs to come in full force and keep the snow at bay! I can't believe how much snow you guys had, though! WOW! And yes, we need a post about your dog. I about had a heart attack when mom told me you got a dog! I'm so jealous!

Melissa said...

I am dying over all that snow!! Sounds like it is time for another trip to So. CA!! I love the posts and can I just say - Abbey is so funny! I love all her cute comments and that Brandon and her were so proud of Zack that they were telling complete strangers about his accomplishments. Too funny...but very sweet. What a good brother & sister!

Unknown said...

Amen on the snow! We didn't get that much thank goodness! If anyone really wants a dog we have one to give away. It's a family dog so who gets Meg next? lol :) Jack wants Zach to come ride bikes with him now.

The Whitmers said...

Justin was in Leeds when we got that big snow storm. I kept telling him that we got about twenty inches of snow, but by the time he got home most of it had melted away. Thanks for the pictures so that it is finally proof that I wasn't lying!

Tara Schwab said...

Yes, we too are tired of the snow.
Congrats to Zack.
Looks like you all had fun.