Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Porter!!

Porter James Bates is ONE!!!

Porter didn't understand it was his birthday, but his brothers and sister were very excited for the big day. My mom and dad drove up from Spanish fork with cousin's Jackson & Tyler. Earl's mom & dad,Gary & Becky, came over and so did Emily & Pete.

Porter was a little intimidated by the attention, but loved his presents. His favorite's were the balloons and wrapping paper.

I was just going to make him a smiley face cake, but Earl thought that was too boring, so a bath tub cake for the boy who loves baths.

I made it with blue Jello Jigglers. I was surprised at how long it took to make, but also how excited he got for it.

He loved the cake & made a mess of himself.

He looks drunk with cake.
It was a fun day. I can't believe its already been a year.
Man I love this kid!!

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