Friday, December 5, 2008

Brandon the Builder
Brandon is 3 and hilarious! He is the hardest working 3 year old I’ve ever met. He can’t say his R’s so he calls work, wowk. He loves working, especially with his dad. Last week Earl took three days off to go to my parents for Thanksgiving. When Brandon heard he was vary upset not because he doesn‘t like dad, but because he loves work. “No dad you need to wowk! You need to wowk!”
A couple of Saturdays ago the kids were watching a movie and I stopped it for Breakfast. Well I came in and Brandon was watching This Old House and came running to me “Mom I found a wowking show!!” I’ve never seen a kid so excited about a cartoon as this one was about a working show. He wouldn’t let me put the movie back on. The others were not happy with Brandon.
I was on the phone with my dad and Brandon was yelling at me “Mom I want to vacuum!” “Not right now Brandon I’m on the phone.” Again he yells “I WANT TO VACUUM NOW!!” “Not while I’m on the phone.” to this my 3 year old angrily replies “Fine but I’m doing da dishes!” My dad was laughing pretty hard at the mother getting chewed out for not letting her son work.
Brandon even associates nature to work. The other morning I told Brandon he couldn’t get up until the sun was up (They had been getting up around 6 am and had been very grumpy kids). So Brandon was cuddling with me in my bed and I told him the sun was getting up and so could we. When I got down stairs he was looking out the window and looked troubled. “Mom da sun isn’t wowking,” I smiled and asked “It’s not working?” His dimpled face said “Mom da sun is Bwoken.”
Brandon is my most active and difficult child yet, but holy crud is he sweet!! We just can’t get enough of the terrorist!

1 comment:

Betsy Lee said...

haha I love it! He is so cute! That's funny and yet awesome that he loves to work! I say take advantage of his desire to work and put him to work cleaning your house! lol That's just hilarious that he liked the working show so much! What a stud!