Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mac and Cheese

Abbey’s first annual
Macaroni and Cheese Party

So Abbey has been talking about doing a macaroni and cheese party for about six months. What is a Mac and Cheese party? We really didn’t know so finally we decided to find out and let her plan one.

Wow Abbey has mad party planning skills!!! She instantly was delegating. Zack was in charge of the crafts/games, Dad was in charge making the Mac & Cheese, Mom and Brandon were to make the cake, and Porter was Moral support. Abbey decided she would not be in charge of any one thing because she was responsible for everything. So she had a note book and pen and made sure we were all on task. She was hilariously professional as she praised our work and made checks on her paper.

So we had hearty hamburger macaroni and cheese for dinner. Then we made crafts using macaroni noodles. Zack told us we were to make a picture of what we were grateful for. Then we popped pop corn and watched Prince Caspian. Then we had a cake in the shape of two macaroni noodles (a circle, a bunt cake). Earl and I had so much fun. It was the best party we’ve ever been to. Our kids worked well together and no one cried once! We were vary proud of our party planner!

Best Mac & Cheese EVER!!!

Earl, Earl Earl...
This is a video of our Mac and Cheese art!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Brandon the Builder
Brandon is 3 and hilarious! He is the hardest working 3 year old I’ve ever met. He can’t say his R’s so he calls work, wowk. He loves working, especially with his dad. Last week Earl took three days off to go to my parents for Thanksgiving. When Brandon heard he was vary upset not because he doesn‘t like dad, but because he loves work. “No dad you need to wowk! You need to wowk!”
A couple of Saturdays ago the kids were watching a movie and I stopped it for Breakfast. Well I came in and Brandon was watching This Old House and came running to me “Mom I found a wowking show!!” I’ve never seen a kid so excited about a cartoon as this one was about a working show. He wouldn’t let me put the movie back on. The others were not happy with Brandon.
I was on the phone with my dad and Brandon was yelling at me “Mom I want to vacuum!” “Not right now Brandon I’m on the phone.” Again he yells “I WANT TO VACUUM NOW!!” “Not while I’m on the phone.” to this my 3 year old angrily replies “Fine but I’m doing da dishes!” My dad was laughing pretty hard at the mother getting chewed out for not letting her son work.
Brandon even associates nature to work. The other morning I told Brandon he couldn’t get up until the sun was up (They had been getting up around 6 am and had been very grumpy kids). So Brandon was cuddling with me in my bed and I told him the sun was getting up and so could we. When I got down stairs he was looking out the window and looked troubled. “Mom da sun isn’t wowking,” I smiled and asked “It’s not working?” His dimpled face said “Mom da sun is Bwoken.”
Brandon is my most active and difficult child yet, but holy crud is he sweet!! We just can’t get enough of the terrorist!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Primary Program

I always love Primary Program Sunday. This year I had to sit on the back row with my class while Abbey (5) was on the very front row and Zack (6) sat right in front of the Bishopric. I had a great view of the kids and Earl in the audience with Brandon ( 3). on his lap and Gary next to him holding Baby Porter. Just before the program started I see Earl go out with Brandon and Gary left with the 6 month old. Oh I hope he doesn't start crying! Ok, things are ok. Then the program starts but Earl does not return. Abbey confidently told the ward she was grateful for flowers, still no Earl. About fifteen minutes pass and Earl comes back with Brandon and they are both wearing different pants. Turns out Brandon had been sitting on Earl and had just peed. While Earl was getting mad at him as they were leaving Brandon innocently looks up and says “don’t worry dad, it will dry.” Then I see Zack pull out a rubber snake from his pocket and see him terrorize the girls around him. I then see Abbey’s teacher try to keep her dress down. I felt so helpless. But I still got chocked up as they sang and did their parts. Primary programs are wonderfully unpredictable!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Meet the Bates

After years of resisting this newfangled technology I've given into the BLOG. I have to admit that I am a little intimidated and don't know where to start. So here is a snap shop of our family life right now in November 2008.

Earl Bates
Also known as, the chicken whisperer, Shrek, Bob the Builder, hey you red neck, and Daddy.

Natalie Bates.
That's me, Mom. I've discovered that I love being a mom. Sometimes don't like it, but I always love it.

Zackary Earl Bates.
Zack is 6 and loves first grade. He loves Star Wars. Zack and Brandon were Lego's for Halloween. On Sunday he lost both front teeth, we call him a Zack-O-lantern. Zack wants to be an engineer and an inventor. He loves building Lego's and filling his inventing note book with inventions like Peanut butter makers, trash compactors, and water cleaners.

Abigail Rebecca Bates.
Abbey just turned 5 on Halloween and had a Royal Party. We went to IHOP for lunch with dad and they sang to her. She was so thrilled she said "This is the best day of my whole life!" After lunch we went trick or treating on main street and again at home. Abbey is the life of our family. She loves preschool and all of her MANY friends. Her best friends are Zack & Brand. She has Dad wrapped around her finger.

Brandon Loren Bates.
He is the hardest working three year old. Brandon is Bashful, but with Abbey he is fearless. He loves being a big kid with Zack & Abbey. He adores "his baby" and calls Porter, "Quarter James." But his best friend is Dad. He tells me he is big and strong like dad, but then he comes and cuddles with me. We love Brandon Bear.

Porter James Bates.
He is now six months old and so FREAKING CUTE!! All of us have loved having a baby in the house again. And what an easy baby he has been, THANK GOODNESS! He loves watching his brothers and sister play and cries when they leave the room. And when he hears Dad's voice, no matter what he's doing he will turn and smile.