Friday, January 23, 2009


For all you nags out there, thank you for bugging me enough to get me to post our Disneyland pictures. For Christmas this year we took our kids to Disney land. We spent three days there and one and a half at the beach. January was the best time to go. We had NO lines, cheep hotels, cheep gas, and it was in the 80's!!! We had so much fun together. Earl & I love travelling with our kids. It's coming home that is the hardest part!

The first night we spent in St. George with Earl's uncle Ron. We got there around noon and spent the afternoon hiking around Snow Canyon. It was beautiful! The kids rolled down the sand dunes and Zack came running up spitting sand and said "Don't do what I just did with your mouth open!!"

Awesome slot canyon in Snow Canyon
We were shocked when we drove into Anaheim and it was 83 outside. I though it was going to be in the low 70's so I packed jeans and short sleeves, but no shorts. We didn't even expect to go in the water at the beach. Thank goodness for Target and Walmart. New swim suits, shorts, sandals, and short sleeve shirts. Oh well at least I have a jump on the summer shopping.
The kids LOVED the beach, almost as much as Earl. they loved digging in the tide pool and I even found a live hermit crab with his shell. Earl of course had to try and bring it home. It died that night in our hotel.

Porter's first time at the beach. He so wanted to dive in!

Brandon was so excited to meet Goofy, but when the time came he was terrified!!
He was scared of almost all of the characters.

Abbey finally got to meet her heroines!

You got to love Dumbo! Abbey is still mad Zack got to drive.
Zack really was frustrated he couldn't pull the sword out. If you look close you can see his tongue out the side of his mouth.

Zack and Abbey meet Mini but Brandon was too scared.
Zack was Extremely excited to go to Jedi training. He was chosen to go on stage and be trained by a Jedi night and to fight Darth Vader. Abbey got to go just below the stage to be trained and she fought Darth Mal. Brandon was way to scared to do this and sat on dad's lap in the audience. When Darth Mal came out on stage swinging his two sided light saber he saw Brandon and B lined it straight for him. It would have scared me, Brandon clung for dear life to Earl. That night Brandon and I were sitting on the grass eating a pudding cup and Brandon says. "Mom, Darth Mal is the baddest guy ever. " I smiled and said, "yea?" "yea, I like Goofy, he's a good guy." I guess after Darth Mal Goofy didn't seem so scary. Then we hit pay dirt, "Mom, I like Disneyland. It's my favorite."

Porter was so good! We were worried about taking him, but he loved the excitement and attention. He was so happy all the time!
Porter and I were sitting waiting for Earl and the kids to ride the rockets, when who should appear but his fairy god mother. She never broke character. She was so sweet and loving to him. I was impressed. Abbey was bummed she missed her.

The Jungle Cruise was great for the whole family. We were shocked at how many rides we could take Porter on.
All of the kids were exhausted after the first day. Brandon was completely satisfied!
Brandon finally was excited to meet someone!

Oh not excited anymore.
I turned around from taking the kids picture and found Porter bonding with Mickey!

Zack after the Mullholland roller coaster. It's allot like the mouse one at lagoon. He LOVED IT, Earl and I hated it. Zack was tall enough to ride every ride at Disneyland. He went on everything Earl and I did, except California Scream'n. He loved Space mountain, but was spooked out by Indiana Jones. Like Indiana he doesn't like snakes.

Abbey didn't love the roller coasters, but she is not afraid of heights like me. She loved this one and the swings that lift you way off the ground. I about died watching her on these.
The double stroller was heaven! Porter was so good! Brandon kept being told he was too little for the big rides. Brandon already has a little man complex, he fights with Earl and tells him he is bigger. So this hurt his feelings to be told he was too short for the rides. When we got to Thunder Mountain he was determined that he was big enough. The lady help him stretch just a bit more so he could reach. Brandon LOVED Thunder Mountain. He went on it 3 times. The last one as soon as the train started moving his arms were in the air and he was hollering with joy!

One of my best friends from High school, Melissa lives minutes from Disneyland and she and her cute girl Audry met us for half a day. It was so fun. Brandon insisted Audry was a boy. When we pointed out she was wearing pink he said "no that's not pink, that's boy orange."

We loved our beach day!!! It was in the 80's and the beach was deserted. I guess people think because it's January you shouldn't go swimming!
The kids favorite part of the beach was spending over an hour walking up and down the beach with dad collecting sea shells. The day we got home Earl made each of them a wind chime/ mobile made of their shells. I slept, but what ever.

Abbey was mad again because Zack drove on Mr. Toad. Poor Abbey.

Our longest line of three days at disneyland was to see Tinker Bell. About 35 min.

Zack loved splash mountain. He is soaking wet here because he just went on it 3 times!

SO MANY RIDES, so many many rides...
The last night we were about to leave and we caught the pixar parade. The kids LOVED it!! It was so much fun. We had the best trip. Now back to reality.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Zack, Zack, He's our Lego Maniac!

Zack is a thinker and a tinker. He got Lego’s and connects for Christmas and puts them together on his own and in good time. He asks for my help, I think to make me feel included,
but I can’t figure out the 3d picture instructions. Good thing he has dad.

For Home work this week he had to hand write a page report on Barack Obama. He had it half done when he brought it home. It said things like, Barack Obama is the 44th president, he has two kids, his age, that he loved to learn. I didn’t know what else he could add to that and told him he had enough, I mean the kid is in 1st grade. But no Zack is vary literal and had to fill up every inch. So I said, “He is the first black president.” Zack looked slowly up at me in disgust. “ Mom” he patiently explained, “I prefer to say He is the first African American president.” Well excuse me mister politically correct. It’s a good thing my 1st grader can keep me in line.