Monday, November 16, 2009

Veterins Day

Zack's school had a really neat Veterans day program. They invited all of the Veterans of Wellsville, who came in full dress. The kids sang each of the armed forces songs and the veterans of those stood and were honored. It totally made me cry especially during the air force song (because of my Gramps).
Brandon kept asking me why we were there and why do they keep singing about America? Who are those men? I told Brandon they were heroes who fought for freedom. He was vary interested. We had visited Grams that past weekend and I had shown him Gramps medals and told him all about Gramps being a hero. Brandon was pretty proud to be named after him.
On our way out of the program, we saw a man in full navy dress from WWII. Brandon was in awe. The man was so nice and stopped to talk to Brandon. We were walking out and Brandon asked if that man was a hero, and I said yes he is. Brandon asked if the hero had heard the songs and I told him he had.
Later that night I heard him telling Abbey that he had met Gramps that day. I said, "Brandon, that wasn't Gramps." and he replied, "But he was a hero." I explained that he was and so was Gramps, but Gramps died. Then Brandon had lots of questions about death and where we go. We had a deep 15 min talk all about death, our bodies and spirits, and resurrection.
Brandon now call veterans Super Hero's.

Monday, August 24, 2009

O what do you do in the summer time?

They say a picture is worth a thousands words. I hope so because I'm a few thousand words behind. Summer is now over and I realize I have not written down one moment of it. That is a sign of a good summer. We really have had a full and fantastic summer.
Here are a few of the highlights...
Every good summer starts with a good camping trip. Our camping trip was about fifteen minutes from our house at Mantua. It was a gorgeous campsite and had a small river near by that the kids (Earl included) and the dog could wade in.

All of the kids had a blast! They all loved it. The three older kids slept in Zack's new birthday tent, while porter kept us up all night and got us up at 6am. Not a fan of camping with Porter.
Porter James got his first hair cut. I did it, and it didn't suck.
I love the pout!
Earl did allot of fishing at the beginning of summer. He and his brother David found the most beautiful spot to fish. I'd tell you where, but then I'd have to kill you. They spent many nights fishing for the big one until the wee hour of the night.
Zack & I were lucky enough to be invited, once. Zack out fished everyone, catching 6 mud cats (a type of catfish, a translation for those without necks the color of red). Earl and I didn't pull in a thing, but David caught some big ones.

Abbey, me and the boys all had fun at a neighbors summer kickoff party.In June we drove south to the middle of nowhere,(Panguich?) and joined Earl's family for a real redneck reunion. lots of guns, four wheelers, dutch oven cook offs, and paint balls. It was a blast!! Grandpa Gary (AKA Earls Dad) Brought six four wheelers including a mini for the kids to ride. THEY LOVED EVERY MINUTE. I even played paint ball with a the guys. We had such a good time. Porter kept me up at night and got me up before 6am. Not a fan of sleeping in a cabin with Porter.
But Porter did a great job with all the driving!
Brandon was always dirty!! But man did he have fun.

Zack discovered he is "in LOVE" with four wheeling.
He did a really great job on it.
Earl tried to talk me into a hand gun. Tried, but failed. Although I have to admit I liked target practice, I just don't want one in the same house as Brandon.
Abbey loved playing with all of her cousins. She was in heaven.
I liked hanging out around the camp fire and learning too much about Earls family.
When we got home it was work as usual for Brandon. "Work is Play mom!"
I decided to do summer school with the kids. That lasted as long as most great ideas, about two weeks.
Summer was filled with water parties. We constantly had kids over.
I love my kids. They are so dang cute!

I don't know about you, but I can never have enough pictures of Earl wearing poultry while playing cards.
We got 6 baby chicks at the beginning of the summer. Each of the older three got two to take care of . Brandon cared for them a Little too much and we soon had an "Of Mice and Men" moment. He loved them and hugged them and soon they were, no more. Soon after a raccoon broke into the coup and killed both of Abbey's and one of Zack's. The kids now HATE raccoons. So this little guy was the last. So he was a little lonely and became attached to Earl. Sadly a dog ate her.
One of my best friends that I grew up with Sue, lives in Smithfield, about 30 min from Wellsville. She has had to go to Primary Children in SLC, for complications with her pregnancy. We've had the privilege of having her two cute kids, Alli & Jake over a few times. It was so much fun and Brandon discovered that Jake is his best friend.
Earl calls them the fox & the hound. They have too much fun together!
For the 3rd of July we drove to Evenstan Wy to buy some really cool fireworks, than went to Strawberry reservoir to catch some crawdads, aka crayfish.
Earl & the boys tied chicken legs on strings and tossed them ten feet from shore. They also had a few traps. They pulled out over 60. They are like little lobsters. They taste like it too. They were really good!
Abbey didn't really care about crawdads. She picked wild flowers and hung out with me & Porter. She's my buddy. Porter was dying to get in the water.
They turn red when they are done. We then drove down to Spanish Fork and spent the 4th with my Mom & Dad. We had a picnic in the park and then had an incredible firework show at my dads. It was so much fun with all of my family, except Rebecca & Jeff who we missed.
This was my first summer of swim lessons. I put the older three in and then after the first lesson of chasing Porter around the side of the pool, I decided to do mommy and me. I had so much fun! Brandon was fearless as always and loved being in a class.
Abbey freaked me out with her dead man float. It was like this but on her stomach. She learned a ton.
Zack had so much fun with his teacher, that he decided he wanted to be a life guard when he grew up.
My sister Eleisha and her husband Ashley were parents for a stake trek, so we watched two of her six kids. They were a huge help. Jackson is Zack's best friend/cousin. It stinks they live two hours from each other. Zack loved having him here for four days, but wished it was longer. I loved having the help.
They were so good I gave them a messy meal.

We also took them to Willow Park Zoo.
They had fun playing in the sprinklers.
Cute Kids!
I had fun with my flower garden this year.
The kids seemed to always have some friend over. Look carefully for abbey's feet.
Porter would always take his bath in the kitchen sink, if it weren't always filled with dishes.We had my families reunion at Bear Lake over the 24th of July. It was with cousins I haven't seen in almost 10 years. We had three cabin/condos and it was awesome! Again Porter isn't my favorite person to sleep with.
The Lake was the fullest I've ever seen. My uncle Kris brought a boat and my Dad brought two Jet ski's and rented two more. Unfortunatly on the first morning we started the jet ski and didn't know the plug wasn't in and flooded the engnie. Earl, Jeff and Ash spent the whole first day drying it out. Other than that , it was so much fun!!!
Zack had a blast with his cousins on and in the beach.

Zack, Brandon, & I rode the bannanna behind the boat. My sweet uncle flipped us and the boys Frecked out. We all hit heads as we hit the water hard. They never wanted to ride those again. They loved the Jet ski's though.

My Poor Cousin Luke. He was on the tube being drug by the boat, and lost his swim suit. He had to fasion a new one from a t-shirt and life jacket.
Man, he was a good sport.

This is one of the few times Abbey was out of the water. She did spend HOURS just riding on the boat.
Even Porter had good cousin time being buried by cousin Matthew.
Unfortunatly I got sunscrean on my camera lens.

In the beginning of August, Earl & I excaped for a date and went 4 wheeling up willard peak. It was BEAUTIFUL!!!
Thanks Gary & Becky for the 4 wheelers and babysitting.

Earl & uncle David, took the three kids out fishing to Mantua. They all caught fish and had a great time. Now Brandon asks Earl to take him fishing everyday.
Yea Abbey!
Look at those proud kids!
In August we drove two hours to just past Kamas for our ward campout. It was a long drive, but a beautiful part of Utah I'd never been too.

My sisters, Eleisha, Betsy, & Rebecca surprised my mom for her birthday. We arranged with my Aunt Jenny to take her out to lunch to Gardner's Village and we surprised her there. It was extreamly rare for us to go to lunch togther because we live two hours apart. It was well worth the drive just to see my moms face. I love my mom!
We Made Her Cry!!! That means we did a good thing.

We missed Alex's wife, Becky she was at Disneyland(some people have messed up priorities).
I love the Logan Temple. This is just a picture I took as we've been driving around looking for fixer uppers. We're looking for another fixer upper to try and flip. The kids accually like doing this. Abbey asked me the other night if we could drive around and find ugly houses.

We had an end of the summer party at Grandma Becky's. The kids all invited friends and then just played with each other.
Porter looks supper Bad! Oh look who learned to walk! 15 months, just like his sister and brothers.

"Summers over, are you kidding me?"We had a great summer!