Monday, November 16, 2009

Veterins Day

Zack's school had a really neat Veterans day program. They invited all of the Veterans of Wellsville, who came in full dress. The kids sang each of the armed forces songs and the veterans of those stood and were honored. It totally made me cry especially during the air force song (because of my Gramps).
Brandon kept asking me why we were there and why do they keep singing about America? Who are those men? I told Brandon they were heroes who fought for freedom. He was vary interested. We had visited Grams that past weekend and I had shown him Gramps medals and told him all about Gramps being a hero. Brandon was pretty proud to be named after him.
On our way out of the program, we saw a man in full navy dress from WWII. Brandon was in awe. The man was so nice and stopped to talk to Brandon. We were walking out and Brandon asked if that man was a hero, and I said yes he is. Brandon asked if the hero had heard the songs and I told him he had.
Later that night I heard him telling Abbey that he had met Gramps that day. I said, "Brandon, that wasn't Gramps." and he replied, "But he was a hero." I explained that he was and so was Gramps, but Gramps died. Then Brandon had lots of questions about death and where we go. We had a deep 15 min talk all about death, our bodies and spirits, and resurrection.
Brandon now call veterans Super Hero's.